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The answer is in the question:
Are Facebook Ads Worth It?
Only if you surround yourself with people that want to support you
“Do Facebook Ads Work?”
I stumbled across this question while doing some research on my next project. Over the past few months, I’ve been brought back into the thick of it with clients needing to help “their” clients on Facebook Ads.
There is clearly a trend going around right now, and with all other distractions available (ahem, “Threads”, I’m talking to you right now)...
…it’s all the more important to keep our heads down, focused, and getting to work on the things we care about.
And, if I’m being honest (which I like to be to a fault), I’ve been holding back on releasing this type of Facebook Ads support because of one thing:
“I didn't think anyone would listen.”
Not to say this was reducing my value of worth for myself, but it really came down to things like:
“What if I lead them astray?”
“What if my suggestions don’t work?”
“What if I fail them on my forecasting?”
Look, meteorologists screw up often with their weather predictions…but they can also get it right.
And that’s what I started focusing on, making it extremely affordable and within budget.
You need to know how Facebook Ads work and how they are worth it.
Before I get into more of my method, I think it’s necessary for me to include my stake in all this.
The truth of me running a Facebook Ads support group for such a small cost is because…
I enjoy spending time with my family, even if some of my teenage daughters aren’t that interested right now. 🙂
I’m also a little bit selfish in the hopes that I can show you how powerful my wisdom is in the Facebook Ads realm that you’ll want to work a bit closer together.
Since 2017, I knew that I wanted to work for myself or at least have a bigger control over the time I spend. I had a thought that money would be easy to make, but being able to get more time would be the biggest challenge of my life.
Knowing that we all have the same “hours” in the day, I saw that I wasn’t using mine in a way that I envisioned. I wouldn’t call myself one of those “self-proclaimed successful GuRuS”, though I would wager that I am able to adjust what I do for what’s happening and in any way that I’d like.
For example, if I wanted to go to the driving range and hit some golf balls when I’m done writing this for you, I could. I might *not* go do it, yet the idea of having the option to go and do it (while being able to answer some of your questions in our facebook ads support group) is icing on the cake.
(Why do we use that phrase, anyway: “Icing on the cake”? I don’t even like icing)
In any event, I’m running this low cost at only $9/month because I want the majority of your marketing budget to be spent on ads and not me, the consultant.
When you start making more revenue, then we have the chance to increase our capacity together and you’ll want to work with me more exclusively.
Again, I told you it’d be selfish for me, though in being honest with myself, I’m able to be transparent enough so you know I have zero hidden agendas.
I also have a few teenage daughters that have discussed the big “M” word in the future, and if the dad’s are supposed to pay for it…well…you get the idea. 😉
I’m a huge advocate for being realistic with our results and tempering expectations when we make decisions. And with my extensive background in being the “sound & reason” with Senior VIP decision makers, I’m more than qualified to tell you this part.
What will NOT happen for you in this Facebook Ads support group:
If you’re looking for that, then I suggest you close this page and move on. You’d be hard pressed to find anyone that would promise any of those things.
And if they do, they’re only after your money and not your well-being. I won’t name names because that level of pettiness has no space in the next phase of my life.
What WILL happen for you in this Facebook Ads support group:
"WTF is the framework thing?" Yup, I hear ya. Keep reading. 😉
I like to come up with weird acronyms and shizz like that to be cool. It hasn’t worked yet so maybe I should chill on the coolness aspect and just embrace the nerdy side of me.
In any event, the framework is really simple when it comes to how I support Facebook Ads.
Who are you talking to?
What are you saying?
How are you saying it?
Honestly, that’s it. I wish it were more complex so we think there is some magical aspect that we need for this. The reality? It’s so simple that you see it and are shaking your head right now like, “Duh, I knew that.”
I go into this more inside of the community (that’s only $9/month, btw) though how about something to take with you in the event you think $9/month is too much for your blood (you probably spent way more than that on things you care nothing for and here we are).
What we’re saying to them comes next. It’s easy to want to spill all the beans right away so they can just make a decision, though keep in mind the simple truth: they don’t know who the eff you are and they don’t need to…not yet at least.
Let’s keep it as simple as possible when we talk and use our own words with tonality. No matter what ANYONE tells you about machine learning, they will *never* have your voice 100% of the way, so write as authentically as you can (which we can go over when you’re in the group)
How we’re saying what we want to say matters so much. Some have argued with me in the point that “tone” cannot be discovered inside of the internet. Ha! I beg to differ. While I cannot explain the nuances that occur with how you’re processing this, I can tell you that my mind is speaking specifics on structure as I write this to you.
I bring this point up because of studying non-violent communication and how simple questions can dissolve even the hardest rock. Whether you read scripture or not, one proverb has stood the test of time: “A soft word turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.”
This type of Facebook Ads support is something I’ve been doing on/off since 2018 and I decided now is the time to go all in on it. It’s not the “only” thing that I do, but it is something that all of you have been wanting.
Seriously, if you look up some of the highest search engine phrases, “Facebook Ads” have been popping up like corn in a properly fertilized field.
All of these questions are answered when I know what type of campaign you're working on and what your offer/service is about.
To find out if I can help you, I recommend heading to the next page to fill out a no-cost form that shares with me how you troubleshoot your marketing and the type of support you'd like.
I'll then reach out to you afterwards to chat about your current strategy.
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This site is not a part of the Facebook website or Facebook, Inc. Additionally, this website is NOT endorsed by Facebook in any way. Facebook is a trademark of FACEBOOK, INC.
*OmniFunnel Support* is a service being provided by "Funnel Fixer-Upper" and run by Jared S Barto.
You're probably wondering, "Why a disclaimer if this is a legit company?" Simply put: I run paid advertisement to this page, and will commonly use Facebook™ to make that happen. See, Facebook™ wants to make sure that I comply with their policies and regulations to ensure YOU, the user, have the best experience possible.
I stand by our work together and always love & respect the chance to make things right when you work with me. Most of the time, I give a lot of information away for free to help build a solid relationship with you. Meaning, I don't want you to spend money that you don't need to spend. Sure, would it allow me to fill my families bellies more, provide more work to those that need it, and better the community? Of course; I'm not going to force that upon you.
I'm actually wondering if you've read this or will have read this. Isn't the English language funny? Right now, you're probably considering how I used the word "read" that close together. One version is used as "REED" for the present tense of absorbing information by what we see via words. The other version to use is "RED" as a past tense for the absorption of what we see via words. Either way, this disclaimer was fun to write! I hope you had a good time reading it...that's "reeding"!
Alright, seriously, let's get down to business. Do the thing I'm asking you to do above! I look forward to working with you! -- Jared Barto