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Profitable & Predictable Facebook Ads

Give me a portion of your time and I'll share what makes Facebook Ads work everyone else, so they can finally generate revenue for you.

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Remove The Guesswork Take Action Now

Simply put, there are 3 characteristics of our Facebook Ads that allow us to make intentional impact with the people we are called to serve. A little hint: WHO, WHAT, HOW; just not in the way you think.


Behind the scenes Ads Manager & More

I go over some of the averages we want to hit (based on the industry of running Facebook Ads, regardless of the business) and share what they mean.

  • Reach / Impression = "Scroll Stop"

  • CTR All = Story Engagement

  • CTR Link click Thru = CTA

  • Conversion Opt-in Goals ~ 25%

  • Aim = 1 high ticket sale every 100 clicks

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Learn These 3 methods And use them to create the ads that convert for you

At the end of the workshop, I share more about how I can further support & assist you in making sure your Facebook Ads work as intended; that is...spend money to make money

Main points of the workshop



WHO needs this

There are 2 points to the "WHO" of our ads. The first 1 is understanding who we are talking to (targeting, research, keywords) and the second point is who we are actively working with. We combine them together and form the "ideal avatar" in our ad.




Like "Who", the "WHAT" of our ad is two-parts. Our first focus is understanding the core of our offer to the ideal avatar (or, best client we want to work with). The second focus is what the offer will do for someone once they take the action to move through the funnel.




No surprise, "HOW" follows the same suite as the rest of the items in the ad. Instead, our focus will have an action and a feeling behind it. For the action, our HOW indicates what the exact action is the user needs to get our offer and get started. For the feeling, we remember HOW someone will feel when we've helped solve their problem.



recorded Workshop

60 minutes of teaching + the slide deck to go along with it and I explain how I'm supporting ad users like you after the workshop


Workshop + Ads Community

If you already have run ads and just want to get "back to formula" to make them work in a group environment, jump right into the community.

Profitable & Predictable Facebook Ads

The best kind of workshop to take at your speed, using the slide deck as reference and starting to fully understand the mystery behind Facebook Ads, all for $7 USD.

  • Stop Guessing IF It's Going To Work

  • Start Planning Properly On Your Growth

  • Know What To Change and How To Change It

  • Get Comfortable With Your Numbers

  • Hit Your Ad Goals With Confidence

Profitable & Predictable Facebook Ads Workshop


Meet Your Presenter Jared Barto

In working over 400+ accounts in the past 7 years, I can share with you the simplest ways to get an ad profitable, compliant and then predictable with its results.

If you can afford a "Starbies" every day, you can run ads with the same cost (and better returns).

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All The Knowledge and skills you need Without the fluff


I teach to where your current skill level is, so no matter your experience with running ads, you'll be able to get started with me pretty fast.

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I don't promise results, just like a meteorologist cannot promise the precise weather. Though, using similar data trends, I can share with you what's coming and how to navigate with your budget in mind.


Believe it or not, I love this stuff. Some clients simply get me on their team because they cannot be bothered with the mundane and just want to serve their people.

What People Have To Say

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The workshop will most likely stay at $7 so you can get the most of your money right away. Anything after that (private support, fractional CMO, community) might increase. You owe it to yourself to stop playing small and start moving smart.

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Copyright 2019-2024 omnifunnelsupport.com

This site is not a part of the Facebook website or Facebook, Inc. Additionally, this website is NOT endorsed by Facebook in any way. Facebook is a trademark of FACEBOOK, INC.


*OmniFunnel Support* is a service being provided by "Funnel Fixer-Upper" and run by Jared S Barto.

You're probably wondering, "Why a disclaimer if this is a legit company?" Simply put: I run paid advertisement to this page, and will commonly use Facebookâ„¢ to make that happen. See, Facebookâ„¢ wants to make sure that I comply with their policies and regulations to ensure YOU, the user, have the best experience possible.

I stand by our work together and always love & respect the chance to make things right when you work with me. Most of the time, I give a lot of information away for free to help build a solid relationship with you. Meaning, I don't want you to spend money that you don't need to spend. Sure, would it allow me to fill my families bellies more, provide more work to those that need it, and better the community? Of course; I'm not going to force that upon you.

I'm actually wondering if you've read this or will have read this. Isn't the English language funny? Right now, you're probably considering how I used the word "read" that close together. One version is used as "REED" for the present tense of absorbing information by what we see via words. The other version to use is "RED" as a past tense for the absorption of information...by what we see via words. Either way, this disclaimer was fun to write! I hope you had a good time reading it...that's "reeding"!

Alright, seriously, let's get down to business. Do the thing I'm asking you to do above! I look forward to working with you! -- Jared Barto

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