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Learn What To Do Over The Next 7 Days With Facebook Ads

(and finally make sense of how your data is making an intentional impact)

With These 7 Free Emails:

  • Get Right With Your Reason For Ads

    It's not enough to just want to make money; we aim for intentional & positive growth for people and I'll share how

  • Pay Attention To Numbers That Matter

    Views inside of Ads Manager can get overwhelming so let's only focus on the ones that tell us what our people are doing

  • Tracking Spreadsheet & Ad Schedule

    Using a simple Google spreadsheet, you can see a trend occurring with your ads and get on a schedule that works for you

  • BONUS: Access To 20+ Emails*

    Know when to test your copy, how to test your media, and advanced tips on increasing conversion rates for your Landing Pages, Sales Pages, and more!

Which Email Address Can I Send These To?

*Bonus emails are available for purchase at a discounted rate when you sign up for the free emails now*

"The only guarantee with running Facebook(tm) paid ads...you'll trade your money for data. My job is to take that data and make it profitable." - Jared

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Copyright 2019-2024 omnifunnelsupport.com

This site is not a part of the Facebook website or Facebook, Inc. Additionally, this website is NOT endorsed by Facebook in any way. Facebook is a trademark of FACEBOOK, INC.


*OmniFunnel Support* is a service being provided by "Funnel Fixer-Upper" and run by Jared S Barto.

You're probably wondering, "Why a disclaimer if this is a legit company?" Simply put: I run paid advertisement to this page, and will commonly use Facebookâ„¢ to make that happen. See, Facebookâ„¢ wants to make sure that I comply with their policies and regulations to ensure YOU, the user, have the best experience possible.

I stand by our work together and always love & respect the chance to make things right when you work with me. Most of the time, I give a lot of information away for free to help build a solid relationship with you. Meaning, I don't want you to spend money that you don't need to spend. Sure, would it allow me to fill my families bellies more, provide more work to those that need it, and better the community? Of course; I'm not going to force that upon you.

I'm actually wondering if you've read this or will have read this. Isn't the English language funny? Right now, you're probably considering how I used the word "read" that close together. One version is used as "REED" for the present tense of absorbing information by what we see via words. The other version to use is "RED" as a past tense for the absorption of information...by what we see via words. Either way, this disclaimer was fun to write! I hope you had a good time reading it...that's "reeding"!

Alright, seriously, let's get down to business. Do the thing I'm asking you to do above! I look forward to working with you! -- Jared Barto

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