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What if 7 emails isn't enough...

We already know that "great" change can start within 7 days and have us feeling amazing.

Yet to see it consistently, we'll want to improve in many ways to really experience it.

Those who are "winning" with ads do a few things differently than everyone else.

And I want to share those...s-e-c-r-e-t-s...with you over 30 emails.

FACEBOOK ADS FOR 30 DAYS: Daily Emails to Improve Your Ads


What I'll go over with you in 30 days


In the past 7 years of running ads consistently on Facebook, the one thing I can share with you is a guarantee.

The guarantee is this:

You will trade money for data.

There is both a positive and negative to this as we might start to expect certain things to happen when we have enough data.

Yet I aim to keep you grounded enough to know that you will always have a say in what happens with your ads next.

And over these 30 days (the first 7 you're already getting for free), I will give you the tools/techniques to level yourself in the paid ads with Facebook, no matter what outcome occurs.

Here's a little snippet of the types of things I'll go into:

  • Learn to know when the media you're using is fatigued and performing poorly before Facebook even knows
  • The simple shifts in our copy that allow us to say "whatever we want" as long as we are focused on positive & intentional impact.
    • I say "whatever we want" in quotes because we still need to be compliant, but we don't have to be too surface-layer that we miss the mark
  • Sales Psychology tricks that make us feel like magicians when we get on discovery calls not intending to sell...and our lead wants to be a client right away
  • What we do with our time when we're not spending hours inside of Ads Manager and only spending minutes just tracking data/trends.
    • Yup, your calendar frees up to do what you really want to do with your time.

I've got the whole "list" of what the email ideas are to give you a taste of what you're getting.

(These are not subject lines or full topics; just focus points so you can look forward to what's coming your way)

Here's a little snippet of the types of things I'll go into:

  • Learn to know when the media you're using is fatigued and performing poorly before Facebook even knows
  • The simple shifts in our copy that allow us to say "whatever we want" as long as we are focused on positive & intentional impact.
    • I say "whatever we want" in quotes because we still need to be compliant, but we don't have to be too surface-layer that we miss the mark
  • Sales Psychology tricks that make us feel like magicians when we get on discovery calls not intending to sell...and our lead wants to be a client right away
  • What we do with our time when we're not spending hours inside of Ads Manager and only spending minutes just tracking data/trends.
    • Yup, your calendar frees up to do what you really want to do with your time.

I've got the whole "list" of what the email ideas are to give you a taste of what you're getting.

(These are not subject lines or full topics; just focus points so you can look forward to what's coming your way)

What I'll go over with you in 30 days

The following "day" breakdown is what to expect when you get each email

(Already getting these for the 7 free days)

Day 1: Get Right With Purpose + Schedule for Testing

Day 2: Set Your Base Numbers + Averages for Copy/Media

Day 3: Write down estimates of what you would like to happen

Day 4: Put together a sheet for combining options of headlines/images/copy

Day 5: What Numbers Matter To Me

Day 6: Organization for the next 23+ days

Day 7: Prepare Your Week Ahead

Day 8: Keep what’s working; remove what’s not

Day 9: How to Test – Headlines

Day 10: How to Test – Copy

Day 11: How to Test – Media (Images)

Day 12: How to Test – Media (Video)

Day 13: When to Change – Copy

Day 14: When to Change – Headline

Day 15: When to Change – Media (Images)

Day 16: When to Change – Media (Video)

Day 17: When to Change – Campaign Direction (Lead; Sales; Engagement; Traffic; Awareness)

Day 18: When/What to Change – Landing Page

Day 19: When/What to Change – Automation

Day 20: When/What to Change – Lead Discovery

Day 21: When/What to Change – Sales Discussions

Day 22: Marketing Tips (General) 1 of 3

Day 23: Marketing Tips (General) 2 of 3

Day 24: Marketing Tips (General) 3 of 3

Day 25: Sales Tips (General) 1 of 3

Day 26: Sales Tips (General) 2 of 3

Day 27: Sales Tips (General) 3 of 3

Day 28: What To Do With 28 Days of Data

Day 29: How To Use the 29 Days of Data

Day 30: Pick Your “Winning Ad” 

  • Scale: Vertical (add more budget) or Horizontal (duplicate for similar results; diversify)

Here's how it works for 30 days


Step 1

You go through the checkout process, using your best email address so you're getting the emails.

Best to use the same email address you used to sign up for the free emails. 🙂


Step 2

Start receiving a daily email for the next 23 - 30 days (depending on when you bought the full set,  you may already be receiving the free ones) and take serious action on the emails.

In each email, I have a "Today's Lesson" to focus on so you always have something to do to increase your Return on Ad Spend.


Step 3

Realize that the majority of your time with ads has been done with you IN your business instead of ON your business (because you're applying what I'm sending you in the emails).

This means that when your ads are functioning properly, you can start to focus on the areas of your business that need your "Zone of Genius".


Step 4

Decide to pick a solid "control" ad that is bringing you consistent leads/sales/cost per result that you're focusing on.

Start to consider bringing in a marketing consultant to work the ads with you so you can stay in your "Zone of Genius" when you have low months in your ads.

(Low months happen to all of us, and when you track your data trends, you can prepare for them).

Step 1

You go through the checkout process, using your best email address so you're getting the emails.

Best to use the same email address you used to sign up for the free emails. 🙂

Step 2

Start receiving a daily email for the next 23 - 30 days (depending on when you bought the full set,  you may already be receiving the free ones) and take serious action on the emails.

In each email, I have a "Today's Lesson" to focus on so you always have something to do to increase your Return on Ad Spend.

Step 3

Realize that the majority of your time with ads has been done with you IN your business instead of ON your business (because you're applying what I'm sending you in the emails).

This means that when your ads are functioning properly, you can start to focus on the areas of your business that need your "Zone of Genius".

Step 4

Decide to pick a solid "control" ad that is bringing you consistent leads/sales/cost per result that you're focusing on.

Start to consider bringing in a marketing consultant to work the ads with you so you can stay in your "Zone of Genius" when you have low months in your ads.

(Low months happen to all of us, and when you track your data trends, you can prepare for them).

Let's talk about how Pricing works

For as little as $1/day, you're getting tips/tricks/techniques that can start to increase your Return on Ad Spend.

Remember, though, this is not a guarantee that you'll get the increased RoAS; yet doing absolutely nothing and "wishing" it would get better won't work, either.

This is also just a one-time payment of $23 USD. I've already covered the cost of the first 7 emails, which are on the house, even if you decide not to buy the remaining emails.

What's really funny...with what I give you in the 7 emails, you may not even need to buy the rest; I'm probably doing myself a disservice.

In any event, the cost is $23 USD to receive the rest of the emails.

They'll start sending to you within 24 hours of the time that you've purchased and as long as you stay subscribed to the list, you'll receive all of them within 23 - 30 days.

All you have to do to get the 30 days of emails for $23 USD is click the button below for the checkout page.

You'll use the same email address you used for the 7 free emails, enter your credit card information, and then complete the purchase.

After this is done, you'll receive a receipt via email for your purchase and the confirmation page will confirm your order.

If you don't happen to receive your emails within 24 hours of your purchase, you can reach out to me personally (jared@omnifunnelsupport.com) and I'll get it sorted out.

The only thing you'll lose out on is wondering "What If" because you're just staring at the computer screen.

Let me tell you what $23 USD will do for you in the ad space.

And if what I share is good enough for you, then invest the $23 USD into the remaining emails so you can get even more of what I'm sharing.


What you can do with $23 USD with your ads

If you're running your ads at $5/day, then that's at least 4 days worth of data.

We'll know how strong the image is to stop the scroll and start to see a trend with the audience we're using.

We'll be able to see how engaging your headline is in the copy and the headline with the button (if you're using a button on the ad).

We'll be able to notice if the landing page needs to be altered or if another page down the funnel might be broken.

We'll be able to forecast what your future results will look like based on the trend of data the algorithm is giving us.

But the big kicker in all this...

The same cost of $23 USD for anything else might just be good enough for a dinner for 1 with a small tip.

The same cost of $23 USD might be able to get you a few gallons of gas to go from Point A to Point B.

The same cost of $23 USD could cover a movie + snacks for 1 person.

If it were me and I was not seeing the consistent results I wanted, I would invest the $23 USD into my ads and information that would make my ads more profitable.

Because that $23 USD investment into the 30 emails could provide the missing pieces to the puzzle of scaling your business in the way you've always dreamed to do it.

Though if you can do all that I've shared with you in that $23 USD ad spend, then you won't need to invest in these emails; you've already got it pat down so when a lead wants to talk right now, you'll be able to close a high-ticket offer, right?

If there is just a sliver of you that is unsure if you know how to navigate your ads properly like I just shared in a few short lines, then I'm strongly recommending to invest your $23 USD in the 30 emails I'm sending out.

The worst thing you'll get out of this is confirmation that you already know what I'm sharing with you, which gives you the confidence to run your ads with authority so the people you're called to lead are open to working with you.

Okay, that's all I got for now.

Click the button to get the rest of the emails for $23 USD and start seeing a better return on your ads.

~ Jared

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Copyright 2019-2024 omnifunnelsupport.com

This site is not a part of the Facebook website or Facebook, Inc. Additionally, this website is NOT endorsed by Facebook in any way. Facebook is a trademark of FACEBOOK, INC.


*OmniFunnel Support* is a service being provided by "Funnel Fixer-Upper" and run by Jared S Barto.

You're probably wondering, "Why a disclaimer if this is a legit company?" Simply put: I run paid advertisement to this page, and will commonly use Facebook™ to make that happen. See, Facebook™ wants to make sure that I comply with their policies and regulations to ensure YOU, the user, have the best experience possible.

I stand by our work together and always love & respect the chance to make things right when you work with me. Most of the time, I give a lot of information away for free to help build a solid relationship with you. Meaning, I don't want you to spend money that you don't need to spend. Sure, would it allow me to fill my families bellies more, provide more work to those that need it, and better the community? Of course; I'm not going to force that upon you.

I'm actually wondering if you've read this or will have read this. Isn't the English language funny? Right now, you're probably considering how I used the word "read" that close together. One version is used as "REED" for the present tense of absorbing information by what we see via words. The other version to use is "RED" as a past tense for the absorption of information...by what we see via words. Either way, this disclaimer was fun to write! I hope you had a good time reading it...that's "reeding"!

Alright, seriously, let's get down to business. Do the thing I'm asking you to do above! I look forward to working with you! -- Jared Barto

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