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Omnifunnel Support

Full-Service Digital Marketing At Your Fingertips

Organic Growth Worked; Now Level Up with Paid Facebook Ads!

Secure a high RoAS with $5/day and generate more leads/sales within 90 days

If you're seeing success organically with your offer (no matter the industry) or you're running ads that make sales and they could be better (spoiler: they can all be better), then we will find a harmonious way to make Facebook Ads work for you.

Photo by Nik on Unsplash (@helloimnik)
Photo by Nik on Unsplash (@helloimnik)

How do you know if you need Full-Service Digital Marketing?

  • Do you find yourself staring at the ads manager in Facebook with a look of confusion?

  • Are you seeing solid growth in your organic works and wonder how fast paid ads could go?

  • Do you want to spend more time talking with the right people at the right time?

  • Are you wrestling with the idea that Facebook Ads don't work because of what you've heard or tried?

That's where I come in

Instead of trying to fit you into a standard set of agency rules like other solutions might do, I meet you where you are and understand how you like to operate your business. You are unique. Your clients are unique. And it's time to be more seen, more heard, & more profitable.

What is Available with "Ominfunnel Support"

Are you ready to level up your Paid Ads Experience?

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Done-For-You Ad Management

It's more like 80/20 for ads management; you provide the materials and I put the magic together.

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Sales Funnel Copywriting

We review what's working organically then optimize it for your ads and landing/sales pages (emails included).

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Private Education & Coaching

I share exactly what I'm doing, how I'm doing it, and why I'm doing it; you'll know what's happening with your ads all the time.

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Data-Driven Decisions

We lean first on the logic of what we're getting from the ads, then we dive into the emotional to connect stronger with our people.

Omnifunnel Support Process

My Promise To help You Have Compliant & Profitable Facebook Ads

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According to searchlogistics.com, 70% of businesses get the highest ROI of any paid ads channel from Facebook’s advertising platform. And with serving over 400+ clients running Facebook Ads since 2018, one thing is very clear: receiving a positive Return on Ad Spend can happen in as little as 30 days of ads management. (If you're brand new to ads, I like to give 30 days to get clear on our numbers, then start forecasting RoAS within 60 days). Let me share a few things that can be adjusted during the ad process, all of which can be uncovered in just a few days of running paid Facebook Ads.

Discover the "Scroll Stopping" Ability of Your Media

Simply by taking Reach and dividing it by Impressions, we'll know how often people will stop based on the creative you're using. Since Meta likes to focus about 52x more on the media, this is very important to pay attention to.

Is it something I said in my ad or maybe i said on my landing page

Using both CTR All and CTR Link-Click Through Rate, we can see if it really is the ad that needs work or if it's the landing page itself. A general rule of thumb: creating 3 anchor points in your ad that match the landing page.

what are people actually doing after they click through my ad

Combine all of these metrics together, we can get a basic understanding of a user's actions. It's okay to get "Leads", but if they don't do anything after they give us their contact info, is it their fault by being too hesitant or ours by not helping them?

Let's get into the nitty gritty

there are 2 specific ways to work on your ads together That you can see before you even apply.

Option #1

DFY/DWY + Education
Starts @ $1500

Perfect option for those that know Facebook Ads are the next stage for them & need to take action yesterday.

  • 1x ZOOM Marketing Session (60 mins, recorded)

  • 1x Weekly ZOOM Sync Up for Data Decisions

  • Relevant Training Materials to Your Focus

  • 2x Weekly Private Group Workshops

  • *Up to $300 Ad Spend Gifted To You

    *the amount of ad spend provided is based on how much of my full-service you'll need

Option #2

DIY + Coaching
Starts @ $500

Great if you're running Facebook Ads and seeing "some" success but want to get better at them with little investment.

  • Messenger Conversations for Data Decisions

  • Relevant Training Materials to Your Focus

  • 2x Weekly Private Group Workshops


3 Recent Results with Business Owners Running Paid Facebook Ads

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Kathleen regularly attends our group workshop sessions. We came up with 1 specific hook for her ads. She started at $.58 lead (down to $.34/lead) and has already sold 15 mini-courses (priced @ $27) & 1 upsell for coaching (@ $497), showing a 3.2 RoAS. (Her numbers are in the image at the top of the page)

Kathleen Y.

Currently enrolled in Group Coaching

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Tiff is great at masterclasses. We would meet weekly with data chats to discuss what to alter (ie, switching from video to image because stats showed us why). She dropped her registration from $15/register to $10/register, leading to one of her best classes before maternity leave.

Tiffany R.

Previously Enrolled in DWY Ads

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Derek is part of a weekly Marketing + Tech Q&A I host through a colleague of mine. He is promptly the first one there and we review his data right away. He's been able to reduce his lead cost from $9/lead to $5/lead and is having more engaging conversations with his leads to book more calls.

Derek R.

Currently Enrolled in Group Coaching


Obligatory "Who is this guy" Part

My name is Jared Barto, the creator of "Omnifunnel Support", a service provided by my company Funnel Fixer-Upper. Getting an unofficial start in email marketing back in the late 90's (via Outlook Express), I saw the impact that having a simple email list could have, even just connecting with friends. From 2001 until now, I dove into web design, database administration, project management, business analysis and digital marketing; all so I could be ready for you.

  • The average RoAS clients hit has been 2x within 30-60 days, and 6x within 90-120 days

  • I enjoy "level grinding" in RPGs, which means I find joy in the tedious tasks that lead to results for you.

  • I "hyper-read" most of the books I buy, finding ways to implement as fast as possible for strong returns.

  • I work better when pressure is high (the kind of pressure that turns coal into diamond)

  • The majority of our ads will be right in the average range (meaning, we'll get clicks & results)

  • My real goal is to get you comfortable enough with your ads that you forget we're doing them (you just know sales are coming in)

Frequent Q&A

Here are some of the common questions...

Yes, they do. The problem that most coaches are teaching out there is that it is "so easy anyone can make money". And while this is technically true, they often make you try and figure it out on your own. With a smart plan and ad goal setting, someone brand new to Facebook Ads could start seeing a positive Return on Ad Spend within 30-60 days.

One of the promises I make to you: if you divulge as much info about your business & offer that you can, I can assure you that we will see an increase in leads/sales/booked calls/whatever your goal is. The longest I've seen it take is 87 days, just shy of 3 months. However, if you don't see the return you're looking for, I'll put some of my own spend into your ads and see what's going on.

We've gotten too comfortable with guarantees. We all know there are no exact guarantees in this world, save for the "un-alive" stage we all get to. My promise is that I'll work on your account to hit our goal. If we don't hit it, no matter the reason, I'll continue to work with you past our initial agreement. (There's only 1 person that needed to use this over the 400+ I've served, and it's because she completely revitalized her program after getting ad data back).

Absolutely, under 1 big condition: you have an offer that has sold organically (word of mouth, referrals, posts, handshake deals, emails). Jumping into paid Facebook Ads with a hope and prayer will only get you one thing: data about a hope & a prayer. Running paid Facebook Ads based on an offer that is working for people will get you more of what you're already receiving organically, just faster. Maybe it's time to go faster.

Unless you're only buying courses that you don't need, there are no refunds available at this time. All of the Full-Service Digital Marketing options involve my time and my input to where you "specifically" are. If you could give me time back, then I'd gladly give you money back. NOW, with that said, if you buy time that we didn't use, there are negotiable ways to discuss what we can do. (Out of the 400+ served only 2 refunds were given: 1 requested her marketing session back because she shifted gears & 1 was double charged due to a merchant error)

Filling out an application on some questions I'm asking. These questions are relatively simple and are more like scenarios so I know what your level of working the system is like. Because I only want you to pay for what you need, you will *not* be able to buy any of the offers until we talk. I think that's fair, don't you? The link to fill out an application is below.

Well, what are you waiting for?!

Ready to use paid Facebook Ads to Level up your life and business?


Now is the time to get moving into the next phase of your business. Now is the time to stop wondering if Facebook Ads will work. Now is the time to prove that they work FOR you and WITH you.

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Omnifunnel Support

Full-Service Digital Marketing At Your Fingertips

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Copyright 2019-2024 omnifunnelsupport.com

This site is not a part of the Facebook website or Facebook, Inc. Additionally, this website is NOT endorsed by Facebook in any way. Facebook is a trademark of FACEBOOK, INC.


*OmniFunnel Support* is a service being provided by "Funnel Fixer-Upper" and run by Jared S Barto.

You're probably wondering, "Why a disclaimer if this is a legit company?" Simply put: I run paid advertisement to this page, and will commonly use Facebookâ„¢ to make that happen. See, Facebookâ„¢ wants to make sure that I comply with their policies and regulations to ensure YOU, the user, have the best experience possible.

I stand by our work together and always love & respect the chance to make things right when you work with me. Most of the time, I give a lot of information away for free to help build a solid relationship with you. Meaning, I don't want you to spend money that you don't need to spend. Sure, would it allow me to fill my families bellies more, provide more work to those that need it, and better the community? Of course; I'm not going to force that upon you.

I'm actually wondering if you've read this or will have read this. Isn't the English language funny? Right now, you're probably considering how I used the word "read" that close together. One version is used as "REED" for the present tense of absorbing information by what we see via words. The other version to use is "RED" as a past tense for the absorption of information...by what we see via words. Either way, this disclaimer was fun to write! I hope you had a good time reading it...that's "reeding"!

Alright, seriously, let's get down to business. Do the thing I'm asking you to do above! I look forward to working with you! -- Jared Barto